Apex Legends: Seer shows his skills

EA and Respawn have Seer, the next legend from Apex Legends (from 12.98 € at <img src = '// static.fore.4pcdn.de/sourcen/portal/We/amazon/amazon-logo- blackfont.svg '/> buy), detailed. On the 3th of August he engages as an 18th legend in the games. Thus, the originally consisting of eight legends squads of characters has more than doubled.

_ "Since his birth, Obi Edolasim was procured as damned and was an outsider. Alone his family believed his unique potential and first made him an artist and now to a legend. By means of his micro-drones, this master of the left shows possibilities that overlook the other legends and uses it in the best possible way. "


How to add Image Slider in Oracle Apex 20.1

  • _ "Passive: Heart Sucher - Gambling ends can hear opponents in a radius of up to 75 meters and visualize when they are targeted ._
  • Tactic: Center of interest - sends micro-drones that produce a delayed pressure shaft that penetrate walls and disrupt opponents and reveal .
  • ULTIMATIVIVE: Revelation - creates a sphere of micro-drones, which shows the position of fast moving or your weapons of firing opponents in the range of action. "

With the publication on 03 August, Apex Legends: Create ranking arenas, new rotating arenas cards, the weapon "Rampage LMG" and other changes in the map "edge of the world".

Last Current Video: Meet Seer | Character trailer
