Diablo Immortal: was postponed to 2022

The horns still need a little more fine-touch: Blizzard has announced on his website that the controversial mobile title Diablo Immortal appears only in the coming year. The title is "now scheduled for a release in the first half of 2022, which will allow us to install substantial improvements in the complete game" - so Blizzard in the press release.

The findings from Alpha include that content such as the "Cycle of Strife" are to be made more accessible - and PVE elements such as "Helliquiquery" captivating. PCGamer.com summarizes some important changes as follows:

  • "The Helliquiquery System Now Has Pve Raids for Up to 8 Players
  • Bounties Are Being tweaked to be 'more engaging and fruitful': 'for example, whhever you accept 4 bounties they want all be for the same zone'
  • _Challenge RIFTS wants Reward Exclusive Upgrade Materials to Make Them More Worthwhile (...) _

The Disaster of the Diablo Auction House - Blizzard's Failure at an In-Game Marketplace * Blizzard is adding bonus XP Gain for Players Who PLAY LESS ONTEN AND REPLACING ITS WEEKLY XP CAP with 'a Global Cap That Increases Over Time' "

Last current video: Developer update for closed alpha
