Doom Eternal receives fast, bilateral TV spot - EWIG - Video Peeling news, instructions, exemplary procedures, reviews and cultu

The latest trailer of the shooter is also missing clearly to Mick Gordon melodies.

ID software doom EWIG is out in a few weeks and the hype is noticeable. For this reason, a new TV spot has been released, which offers some quick cutouts of the Doom Slayer in action. It may not be the best presentation of the game as it (a) Mick Gordon's amazing Industrial Metal East and (b) a lot of blood is missing. Look at it below.

Doom EWIG sees the hunter on the earth, which is located in a demonic invasion. He will have tons of new tools to achieve this, from a shoulder attachment that fires ice bombs and flames, up to new weapons and mods. Each demon was also converted to have certain weaknesses and brands, which led to weapons were mixed and adapted during encounters.

The game offers an estimated 22 hours of fun, but there are many reasons to return with Master Levels. This newly mixed campaign levels offer new compositions of enemies and can be played on higher levels of difficulty. Doom EWIG is available on Mach 20th for Xbox One, PS4, Nintendo Switch and Google Stadia.

Doom Eternal OST - The Only Thing they Fear is You (Mick Gordon)

Tagged with: Bethesda, destruction forever, Google Stadia, ID software, Nintendo Switch, PC, PS4, Xbox One
