Dragon Raja, the stunning open-world MMORPG, appears on February 27 on iOS and Android - Archosaur - Video Peeling news, instructions, exemplary procedures, reviews and culture

Dragon Raja, the long-awaited Open World MMORPG of Archosaur Games, finally has a fixed date of publication for iOS and Android. Over 1.5 million pre-registered players will be enthusiastic that the world's launch will take place on February 27th.

The game offers some of the most impressive visual effects that were previously seen on mobile devices, and a colorful, vibrant world that consists of both science fiction and fantasy environments.

They are confronted with the upcoming return of the dormant dragons, which will soon rise and regain the control of the world. Humanity needs the help of a crack team of hybrid warriors to survive. This lot can use a variety of draconic forces, with the strengths of the dragons being used against them.

Dragon Raja's rapid fight plays in real time and enables strategic maneuvers as well as the intelligent use of your Draconian skills. With these you can take it with up to 100 other players simultaneously with world bosses, challenging dungeons and more.

In the long campaign you will "make an incredible number of characters" and make friends with them, each of which has their own background history and role to save the world from the dragon threat. There are also several endings that you can uncover by making different decisions during your run.

It is clearly an ambitious title in relation to its immersive properties. The game introduces a "Ki smart interaction" system with which the NPCs can feel alive and respond to their actions, as well as an advanced physics system that brings the smaller details of the city to burst.

For example, wet or icy surfaces can cause them to slide on the slide, and many ambient objects can be destroyed during the fight. The world also has a whole day / night cycle as well as some impressive seasonal changes.

It was built with the industry-leading Unreal Engine 4, which also has Borderlands 3, Days Gone, Star Wars Jedi: Fall Order and - of course - the upcoming Spongebob Squarepants - Battle for Bikini Bottom - rehydrated has driven.

If you have not done this, you can register in advance to play Dragon Raja at the start of both games AppStore and Google Play. See if it comes on February 27th.

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