Nintendo and Coropra's W100bn patent lawsuit finish, agreement content?

August 4, 2021, Nintendo and Japanese Game Company 'Cororofra' were finished with a two-way agreement.

The lawsuit started in earnest in January 2018. Coropro, which has been providing <White Cat Project> in Korea, has been filed and has about 215 games related patents until 2018, after establishment in 2008. And I charged a large amount of royalties by walking on a company that used technologies similar to those owned by the patents.

However, the side of the patented lawsuit became Corropra. Nintendo filed a lawsuit with five of the patents that Coropra filed its patents. Nintendo demanded that Cororo was asked to end the Service with the compensation of 440,000 yen (about W45.5bn). In January 2021, the compensation amount increased by 2 times (about W100444.4478 million won). The reasons were "reflecting sales incremental sales using patents during the litigation period."

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Eventually, Corropra heard a white period. According to the Nintendo official homepage, the Nintendo official homepage released on August 4, we agreed to pay for future license ratios and compensation for the patent, and Nintendo takes a lawsuit accordingly. The details of the Japanese law regulations or the details of the compensation solution did not disclose.

However, Coropran has been 330,000 yen (about W34.6bn) in a special loss (about W34.6bn) in financial accounting in the third quarter of 2021. In the Japanese medium, the loss solution is estimated by the agreement with Nintendo.
