The developers of Division 2 currently have no plans for a switch port. - game - Video Peeling news, instructions, exemplary procedures, reviews and cultu
You know we had to ask.
During the switch with respect to the pure performance and the performance of its hardware far behind the PS4 and the Xbox One remains, Ports The Hexer 3 and alien: Isolation - including - have shown that with some technical cuts most games on Nintendos Hybrid can run and run very well. Questions about switch ports for games are always relevant. Recently we asked Ubisoft massive whether you have similar plans The department 2.
Unfortunately, it does not look like this right now. If you are asked for the possibility of a switch port, The Division 2 Yannick Banchereau, Associate Creative Director, said the developers currently have no plans to bring the game on the switch.
"Although we are always excited to work with new technologies and pursue the development of the industry, we do not have plans to do this _The business area is currently changing," he said to Gamingbolt.
We also asked Banchereau whether Ubisoft has plans The department 2 for the PS5 or Xbox Series X, as this is a running live game and the next generation consoles will be released shortly. Banchereau repeated again that the development team is always enthusiastic about the prospect of new hardware, but for the time being continued to focus on further work on the game itself.
"It's always exciting to see the introduction of a new console renewal. As I said, we are always looking for innovative tools and possibilities as a developer to make our games accessible to players, "he said. "At the moment we focus on it Feedback to the community and update of the game to the current generation. "
This follows from his comments a few months ago, in which he said that Next-Gen ports for The department 2 were not working.
The department 2 and its extension, _Wiegers of New York, _ are currently available for PS4, Xbox One, PC and Stadia. Recently, the game received its latest title update that caused various error corrections. Here you will find all details.
In the same interview, Banchereau also talked to us about the corrections where massive works as a direct result of gaming feedback. Read more about it here. Our detailed interview with Banchereau will soon be live, so it remains on it.
Tags: Nintendo Switch, PC, PS4, Stadiums, Division 2, Ubisoft, Ubisoft Massive, Xbox One
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