The Sims 4 has been exhausted: "Epic Games" screaer is scary realistic

A new character creator of Epic Games is baffled and scared at the same time with incredibly realistic-looking figures. EDITORS such as those of SIMS 4 and Co. can pack smoothly. Will that be the future of video games?

Epic Games creates the perfect editor

Epic Games throws a brand new Creator on the market, which works with the Unreal Engine and calls MetaHuman . The amazing: the figures created by the editor see scary real and are just incredible :

Normally, the creation of realistic 3D models is complex, complicated and expensive . With the new Creator all this is to belong to the past. It is possible to make a unique digital person in under a Stund E.

The Creation includes the face with all the details like mouth, nose, eyes and co., hair, body and even the character's clothing.

In the first moment, the character models are reminiscent of the results of the popular Detroit at that time: Become Human. Only that the creation with Metahuman does not rose a huge, trained team on developers , but can be the creators of these incredible figures, they create the story behind the digital people.

How can the MetaHuman Creator be used?

Metahuman should still appear 2021 . Currently, the project for test purposes is still in a early access program . On the website of the Unreal Engine you can register for further updates to the Creator, or even two existing figures for testing received from MetaHuman.

The MetaHuman Creator is a cloud-based browser app . After completing your model, you can export and download it to use it in the Unreal Engine.

The photorealistic creator could really revolutionize the character design in video game development.

We are curious which effects of the incredible MetaHuma Creator of Epic Games will have the video game world in the future. Soon you could look more realistic characters in your favorite games. How do you find the editor of Epic Games? Do you also find the characters amazing? Just visit us on Facebook and tells us your opinions in the comments.
