The Witcher 3 Port Dev Saber Interactive Works on More Games for the Switch

The switch port specialists have other projects in the pipeline.

Saber Interactive As a studio, among other things, has been very interested in the switch and has proven to be great when it comes to managing ports of games for the Nintendo platform _the Witcher 3, Vampyr, Cathulhu's reputation, _ and many, many other. And how many have suspected, they are not finished with the work on the switch.

In conversation with GamereActor, Tim Willits explained, Chief Creative Officer by Saber Interactive (formerly of id software) that the studio is currently working on new Games for the Nintendo Switch.

At the moment I can not announce anything, but we love the switch platform and we develop some new games that will be available on the switch, Willit said. I will not announce you now.

Given the fact that great the ports of Saber were - especially The Hexer 3 - Your next switch port will probably be one that has an eye on it. Let's just hope that we will soon hear about it.

Tagged with: Nintendo Switch, Saber Interactive, The Witcher 3
