Tribes of Midgard: Viking-Action-RPG achieved over 250,000 players

The new Viking Action RPG Tribes of Midgard has appeared on 27 July 2021. The title combines Roguelite, Survival, and Tower Defense Mechanics, ensuring a pretty interesting gaming experience.

Tribes of Midgard Ep 1: PLAYING WITH AN AUTHENTIC VIKING WARRIOR! - MP Survival with Aven1017!

Tribes of Midgard (Buy Now 29.99 €) was developed as a live service game and therefore has an in-game shop in which one can buy cosmetic content for real money. Also, the game will contain different seasons. Currently, the title in the wolf saga and players can challenge the child of Loki and the Gigantin Angrboða, the Wolf Fenrir, the Gigantin Angrboða in Saga mode.

In a version of the Ragnarök myth, Fenrir will devour the sun and fight against the Godfather Odin. Of course, Odin understandably not very pleasure and therefore conjures up Viking heroes, which are currently resident in Walhall to prevent Ragnarök and destroy the various Jötunn and Fenrir.

Tribes of Midgard has turned out to be quite successful and has now gained 250,000 players for themselves. This gave the developer studio behind the title, Norskell, known on Twitter.

If you also belong to the Viking heroes or be curious about the title, then we have a few useful tips and tricks for you, so that your adventure in Midgard will hopefully be successful.

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Tribes of Midgard: Tips and Tricks for the Viking Action RPG

We have compiled a few helpful tips and tricks for the Viking Action RPG Tribes of Midgard for PC, PS5 and PS4 for you.

From Daniel Link author 02.08.2021 at 20:10

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