The nine confront you with an immense number of different skills that your permanent needs to go counter. Every single one of them is actually quite simple and easy to understand - but due to the skier amount of effects, however, you always have to be aware.
Guides to all bosses in the new WoW-Schlachtzug Sanctum of the rule
WOW: The Nine - Short Guide
Tanks must switch to infinite shock or Seelenberster (Phase 2) Interrupt permanently SIGNE and the emerging adds Runs away when you are going Runs where you will push away Include yourself in which circles at call of the Val'Kyr in your pure and from which you get out United Fragment of fate on a player
Phase 1: The endless voice
At the beginning of the struggle you have to do it with two Val'Kyr: Kyra and Signe. Kyra attacks her tank with infinite shock . This attack increases the damage suffered from the tank and also causes damage to all players, based on the amount of stacks that already has the goal. Therefore, regular fuel meters are inevitable. In addition, she calls an add that you have to interrupt. Otherwise, it causes high damage and heals what you want to prevent. Kyras's most dangerous attack is the swinging of the rage . In doing so, she slowly pulls all players to themselves and then causes very high damage in a circle around them. On the other hand, stop and do not let up to her. SIGNE, on the other hand, must always be interrupted with soul-filled shot and Song of the resolution . The latter causes tremendous area damage, the former, on the other hand, attracts a lot of life. Your most dangerous attack is sustainable refrain, which represents the exact opposite of Kyras Attack. SIGNE pushes away from themselves and subsequently unleashes massive area damage that can only escape to them when they are within the circle, in whose middle signs stands.
The call of Val'Kyr
Until here, the fight is still very manageable. There is still the call of the Val'Kyr told. With this ability, the skyja, which is not attackable at the beginning of the struggle, calls the other Val'Kyr for help in quick succession. Anyone who answers the reputation is random and each of the Val'Kyr confront them with another ability.
Agatha's eternal blade makes several black lines appear in the room, which then fly Val'Kyr - similar to Denathrius. Gods out. Suppers of powerful impact leaves circles around some players who explode shortly thereafter. Affected players must be away from the group. Annhyles radiant Aegis causes a small circle of shields. If the bosses are in it, they suffer 90 percent less damage. You have to pull the tanks out there. Aradnes crashing beat gives several circles. In each circle, a player must stand to catch them. Otherwise, the entire raid fellows massive damage. Brynjas sad lament Provides several players with a debuff that causes moderate damage for six seconds and inflict very high damage to all players within five meters. Arthuras shattered view Marks a player who suffers deadly damage shortly thereafter. However, this damage is divided among all players who are after eight seconds in the effect area around the player concerned.
Wow: The nine guide - Sanctum of rule (LFR, normal, heroic) (1) Source: SIGNE
Phase 2: The first of the lung bound
As soon as one of the two Val'Kyr drops to 15 percent life points, Skyja engages in the fight. Now it is important to quickly defeat the two Val'Kry, so you can concentrate on the final phase. Skyja regularly causes surface loss by aversion that stops twelve seconds. With soultersters attacks the tank and reduces its preserved healing and movement speed, which requires a tank change. And connect with essence In the Heroic mode, it connects several players and reflects 60 percent of any damage one of the players suffered to all other links. The most dangerous is fragment of fate . Several players get a debuff distributed, which causes proper damage. If you remove the debuff, he jumps on the next player. To get rid of the debuffs finally, you all have to combine them on a player. But this should be as far as possible. Because at the distance he leaves a large ice caps that slows down and causes damage when you enter them. In heroic mode you still have to deal with the word of the callback. This leaves all actions performed by the call of the Val'Kyr in a certain previous period, but this time all at the same time. This can be tremendously tricky, as you may distribute at the same time and but cuddly strikes to intercept as black lines sweep across the room.
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