Group B of MSI 2022 was definitely the most dramatic of the tournament. With initial, widespread reports about dodgy ping, followed by a late decision to play all games of the first round of Royal Never Give Up again after the remedy, it was a long old package for the members of the group. Today the group finally took place, and unfortunately it ended for the CBLOL representative of Red Canid with a defeat against RNG and with the departure from the mid-season event of League of Legends.
Although the emotions were incredibly high at the end of the game, The PC player 24 was grateful for the occasion to compose to an interview with Topplaner Guilherme 'Guigo' Ruiz, not only through the game, but also through his tournament experience as well as about MSI To speak the top lane selection of 2022-Gwen.
Although there were moments during the game when the two teams were just on gold, only a few were able to propose something other than victory for RNG - a prophecy that would of course come true. When it comes to playing against a team with a quick early macro game like RNG, Guigo is "the most important thing not to fall behind in the laning phase".
"It was the most difficult part for us," says Guigo, "because we had the feeling that we could fight them in the team and play Sidelanes if we had only one or two thousand gold behind us if we only in the middle of the game could come. "
Didn't have it. We have to improve a lot and we will continue to work on that. We not only want to be the best in Brazil, but also represent the country as the fans expect. We will not give up.
Thank you for the support of everyone.#Gored today.#Gored always.
- Red Canids Kalunga ???????????? (@Redcanids) 14. May 2022
Unfortunately it shouldn't be for red, and his Nexus fell just under half an hour for the last time. While the team will now make their way to the airport and not the Rumble Stage of the competition, Guigo has the feeling that he has had a positive experience with MSI 2022 overall.
"I really enjoyed it," says Guigo. "It felt really good for me to measure me against players like Su 'Hanabi' Chia-Hsiang and 'am' Ze-Bin. It gives me the feeling that I can play against boys at this level, but I need a little more practice or more play [Against Them] - the feeling that I can play at this level, the championship made a lot more pleasant for me.
"[As a team], I think we showed how well we can play, on the days when we stamped Wildcats against PSG Talon and İstanbul Wildcats, but I think we really didn't play freely on the other days. I think we play our best when we play five freely - just give ideas and do what feels best - and I think in some games we didn't really know what to do in certain situations and we have one get a little desperate. "
But here the self -criticism for Guigo ends, who immediately looks into the future. "I think this team has a lot of potential [from the games We Won]," he says, "I think if we come back for Worlds, we will show it."
Red may be on the way home, but the experience and opportunity to learn from some of the world's best players was invaluable. For Guigo, it was his biggest learning point at MSI to observe Hanabi how he quickly adapts to the requirements of the tournament.
"Hanabi adapted greatly during the tournament," notes Guigo. "He selected Vladimir blindly against RNG, so it is a really good point to put myself in my head so that I should have secret tips and play more champions that fit in certain situations."
Today he demonstrated his own ability to adapt and to be in a variety of ways if necessary by choosing Darius in the low-range composition that RNG brought to the table. "Your comper was really good to play [Darius]," says Guigo, "because it was Tahm Kench, Graves, Gragas and Gwen [...] with high persistence, and as soon as you have a few objects in the game, you can destroy everyone.. "
Although the intention was to play Darius in Bins Gwen, RNG turned the script by handing over the seamstress to Xiaohu and was serving Gragas. If at all, MSI has shown that Gwen is not only a strong choice, but also a flexible. Gwen, which was piloted 13 times - the third most common winner of the tournament so far - was on the advance with a winning rate of 77 %.
Showed between the lines and they left it openly
- This is Jojolover (@redmitsuya) 10. May 2022
When asked what Gwen does so strong, Guigo points out her "really solid laning phase", which has very few bad matchups. Even under suboptimal circumstances, Gwen keeps the ability to farm under her tower and can reach its tip with two objects without much female. In addition, the strength of (W) Hallowed craps you into a threat in team fights.
If you combine all of these factors with the fall of Jayce as a blind pick of the premium top lane in the design phase, Gwen will easily option with the highest priority and can easily fit into any composition-at least in the one who wanted to bring Red To the tournament.
So what can be done to alleviate them in the Lane if this monstrous pointed hacke takes over the games completely? Well, so far we have seen Sergen 'Broken Blade' Çelik successfully received one against Jeong 'Impact' Eon-Young Gwen on Vladimir, while Guigo of course intends to bring them together with Darius. At the moment Guigo assumes that Jax and even cooking can also go with her from head to toe, but only if they are really controlled.
Before Guigo returns to his teammates, he tells the Red fans who cheer him on one last, determined message. "I won't stop here," he says, "I will come back more. I will play on the level of large teams and I am 100 % sure that I can play well against these boys. So expect more from me in the future. "
The responsibility now lies with Guigo and his Red Canid colleagues to take today's pain and to transform it into the fuel that drives them to worlds. For the group B refugees RNG and PSG Talon, their MSI-2022 campaign continues when the Rumble Stage begins on May 20.
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