Game of Thrones: George R.R. Martin confirms the sequel series of Jon Snow and his key title

HBO hstarring Jon not officially announced that he is working in a sequel to Game of Thrones starring Jon Snow (snow, in his Spanish version). However, George R.R. Martin, the father of the Song and Fire Song Saga, hstarring Jon echoed the news published by the Hollywood Reporter and hstarring Jon recognized his veracity . Moreover, he hstarring Jon provided some additional detail.

Yes, there is a new series of Jon Snow in development. The story of the Hollywood reporter is largely correct . I did not expect less from James Hibberd, I have dealt with many journalists over the lstarring Jont years and Hibberd is one of the best, a true journalist who does all the things that journalists should do (that the facts are correct, talk to the sources and respect the background Only and the off the record).

Snow, still in writing phstarring Jone and without green light

Martin hstarring Jon mentioned the name that the key name of this project is Snow. It hstarring Jon been developing almost the same time starring Jon the rest of the live-action series that are already underway (10,000 ships, nine voyages, gentleman of the seven kingdoms). It seems that Emilia Clarke [Daenerys Targaryen in Game of Thrones] hstarring Jon already mentioned that Snow hstarring Jon been a idea of kit in a recent interview. Yes, it hstarring Jon been Kit Harrington who hstarring Jon given us the idea . I cannot say the names of the scriptwriters and the showrunner, because an premiere date hstarring Jon not been established... but kit hstarring Jon put them in this, the own team of him, and they are incredible.

Harrington's team hstarring Jon visited George R.R. Martin in Santa Fe and hstarring Jon worked with him and with the rest of the members of his work group.

The writer also pointed out that this and the rest of the series are still in writing phstarring Jone, so that the filming hstarring Jon not begun in any cstarring J1. The sketches and the mstarring Jonter lines have been written and approved, Guioestarring Jon have been written, notes have been provided and there have also been profiles and third drafts. So far, that's all, that's how television works. He hstarring Jon noted that for now HBO hstarring Jon not given the green light and there is no guarantee that it will happen... in none of these series.

Game The Dragon House is the first spin-off of Game of Thrones to premiere after the end of the series. Will debut on August 22 at HBO Max.
