How to Maximize Your Hogwarts Inheritance Potion: A Guide

In Hogwarts Legacy, you can find and collect various resources that can be used for different purposes. Potions are one of these resources, and you can cook them or buy them in exchange for galleons. Here's how to get Maxim's potion in the Hogwarts inheritance. You can purchase Maxim's potion from the potion J. Pippin for 300 galleons.

You can also purchase a maximal potion recipe for 500 galleons. Maxim's potion for a short time increases the damage from the user's spells, which makes it very useful during duels and fights. J. Pippins Potions-one of the stores located in Hogs mid, look at the white circle in the second image above to see its exact location. You will get to Hogs mid quite early in the game, and it is best to explore the area to find new stores and other hidden secrets. You can also purchase recipes for the thunder, focus and potion of invisibility in the J. Pippin potion store in Hogs mid.


In the same way, the ingredients such as the eggs of ash wind, the dag bog language, the juice of Gorklamp, the flies of gold-eyed and much more are available in this store. Collecting galleons can be difficult, especially if you start the game. The best way to get more gallons is to explore the world after you get the Disillusionment spell. This spell allows you to open enchanted chests with eyes and steal behind different NPCs. You can first farm galleons, and then start buying various resources to replenish your inventory in the Hogwarts Heritage. To obtain additional information about the Hogwarts Heritage, read the section How to correct the error You can’t connect to the server in Warding World in games for professionals.
